
Afro-Asian Bodies

Afro-Asian Bodies



1. The Founders shall be the supreme authority of AFROSAW and shall consist of all founding members:

A. Approving policies and strategic plans for the development of the digital economy, investment and entrepreneurship in Africa and Asia.
B. Establishing general rules and regulations to activate digital economic cooperation between the peoples of African, Asian and Latin countries in all fields.
C. Electing the members of the Board of Trustees.
D. Approve the annual budget of the Federation, the budget and the final account based on the recommendation of the Board of Trustees.
E. Amending the statutes of the Federation by a majority of the founders based on the proposal of the Board of Trustees.
F. Discussing the periodic reports on the activity of the General Secretariat and the Board and evaluating their performance.
G. Any other competencies required by the provisions of these Statutes or imposed by the requirements of achieving the objectives of the Afro-Asian Union.


Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing the management of Afroasian and monitoring the proper functioning of the organisation and its commitment to work towards achieving its objectives efficiently:

A. Set strategic directions for the work of the Afro-Asian Union in its areas of competence.
B. Approve the work plans and programmes of the General Secretariat, follow up on their implementation, and evaluate their performance.
C. Propose the general policies, rules and bylaws of the Afro-Asian Federation and submit them to the founders for approval.
D. Forming permanent, temporary and technical committees and specialised task forces and defining their terms of reference.
E. Approve the organisational structure of the General Secretariat and its administrative and financial systems as proposed by the Secretary-General and send a copy to Social Solidarity.
F. Propose the draft annual budget and final account of the Afro-Asian Federation and submit it to the General Conference for approval.
G. Recommend the appointment of the Executive Director of the Afro-Asian Federation and define his/her competences and powers in accordance with these Regulations.
H. Approve the selection system for senior staff in the General Secretariat and the criteria for evaluating their performance as presented by the Secretary-General.
I. Discuss the periodic reports presented by the Secretary-General on the activities of the Afro-Asian Union and the progress of its work.
J. Contracting with external auditing and accounting offices to audit the accounts of the Afro-Asian Union and control its financial performance.
K. Approve the internal regulations governing the work of the Afro-Asian Union and its various organs.
L. Establishing standing committees and subsidiary bodies necessary to achieve the objectives and programmes of the Afro-Asian Union.
M. Any other competences or tasks referred to it by the General Conference.


General Secretariat

1. In accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, the Secretary-General shall have the following functions:

A. Managing the General Secretariat and supervising its proper functioning in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations.
B. Preparing the organisational structure of the General Secretariat and distributing competencies among its various departments and sections.
C. Propose the Federation's work plans, programmes and budgets and submit them to the Board of Trustees for approval.
D. Selecting his assistants and senior staff in the General Secretariat in accordance with the organising regulations.
E. Sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the Afro-Asian Federation after the approval of the Board of Trustees.
F. Representing Afro-Asia in regional and international forums and with organisations relevant to its objectives.
G. Submit periodic reports to the Board of Trustees on the work of the General Secretariat and the results of the implementation of the Federation's plans and programmes.
H. Prepare the draft annual budget and final account of the Federation and follow up on its implementation after its approval.
I. Supervise the financial and administrative affairs of the Federation and the proper use of its resources and properties.
J. Any other tasks or specialisations assigned by the Presidential Council within the limits of the provisions of these regulations.
K. Notify the administrative body of the composition of the Board and any changes to it.
L. Ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Board of Trustees.
M. Supervise the administrative work of the organisation.
N. Reviewing all important correspondence received by the Foundation and presenting it to the Board of Trustees or the competent authority to decide on it if it has jurisdiction over the Foundation, as well as the observations of the Central Auditing Agency or the competent administrative authority related to the administrative and social aspects and preparing a response to them in preparation for presenting the whole matter to the Board of Trustees to respond to these authorities within a month from the date of notification.


Advisory Board

1. The Board of Trustees may, upon the proposal of the Secretary General, form specialised advisory bodies to provide opinion and advice to Afro-Asia in specific areas.
2. The advisory bodies shall be composed of experts and specialists with proven competence in areas of interest to Afro-Asia.
3. The terms of reference of each advisory body, the duration of its work and the procedures for selecting its members shall be determined by a decision of the Board of Trustees.
4. The advisory bodies shall submit their reports and studies to the Board of Trustees through the Secretary General, without their recommendations having a binding character.


Specialised Quality Committees

1. The General Conference shall establish a number of standing committees in specific areas prioritised for the work of the Afro-Asian Community to provide technical and advisory support to the General Secretariat and the Board of Trustees, as follows:

A. Strategies and Policies Committee.
B. Research and Scientific Publishing Committee.
C. Finance and Investment Committee.
D. Projects and Digital Services Committee.
E. Capacity Building and Innovation Committee.

2. A special regulation issued by the General Secretariat shall specify the terms of reference of each committee, its composition, working procedures, and mechanisms for submitting its reports.
3. Each standing committee shall be chaired by a member of the Board of Trustees, who shall be deputised in his absence by the oldest member.
4. The Secretary-General or his deputy shall participate in the meetings of the Standing Committees without the right to vote.
5. Standing Committees shall hold regular meetings at least twice a year, and whenever the need arises at the request of its Chairman or the Secretary General.
6. The Founders or the Board may form temporary sub-committees or technical committees to carry out specific tasks for a limited period of time.
7. Meetings of standing and temporary committees shall be valid only if at least a majority of its members are present.
8. Committees shall submit their reports and recommendations to the body that formed them on the dates and forms they specify.